Hunters of the supernatural, the Execution Underground are an elite group tasked with protecting humanity...but what happens when danger collides with desire?
Jace McCannon has one loyalty: the Execution Underground. Despite his mixed blood, his hatred for the werewolves he hunts is legendary. But in his search for a sadistic killer, Jace finds himself face-to-face with a stunningly seductive packmaster...and longing for a night with his mortal enemy.
Nothing can stop Frankie Amato from defending her kind--or catching the rogue responsible for killing women in her territory. For that, this alpha female needs Jace's skills more than she wants to admit. But as their investigation exposes evil truths, need burns into a passion that dare not be fulfilled. For to do so will have deadly consequences for them both....
ebook, 384 pages
Expected publication: September 1st 2013 by Harlequin
4/5 Stars
You gotta love a guy with daddy issues, smokes and drinks way too much and is a jerk for 85% of the book but still be sexy enough and vulnerable enough to save the day and get the girl and steal my heart.....oh Jace, you have done all that and more. I hereby claim him as my book boyfriend of the week! Jace completely turned out to be a great character that I wasn't sure I was gonna like when we first met him. As I mentioned above he was a complete jerk turning all his self hate onto everyone he comes in contact with excluding maybe his best friend, David. Once he met Frankie he fought himself even more and the attraction he felt for her. Their attraction was evident from the start and their sexual tension was off the charts. I think Frankie was a great match for him because she forced him to look within himself and to deal with his half blood status. If only they would've talked a little more they could've skipped so many misunderstandings.
I liked this world and am excited to read more about the group known as the Execution Underground. My only reason for not giving this book a 5 star rating is because of the group of guys. They have the big fight in Jace's apartment then we don't hear anything from them until the end when they come to the warehouse, but that's all we know....that they show up....nothing more. No interaction with Jace and/or Frankie at all. I guess it was left this way to help lead into the next book, but I would've liked some closure on Jace's issues with the group. Would still recommend this book though to anyone who likes paranormal romance.
Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.
I liked this world and am excited to read more about the group known as the Execution Underground. My only reason for not giving this book a 5 star rating is because of the group of guys. They have the big fight in Jace's apartment then we don't hear anything from them until the end when they come to the warehouse, but that's all we know....that they show up....nothing more. No interaction with Jace and/or Frankie at all. I guess it was left this way to help lead into the next book, but I would've liked some closure on Jace's issues with the group. Would still recommend this book though to anyone who likes paranormal romance.
Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.
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